GPT-4 Playground – an OpenAI API Bootcamp
1 day

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The GPT4 Playground is where we make use of the OpenAI API to create some magic behind ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plugins. These plugin movules connect ChatGPT to external applications, enabling ChatGPT to engage with APIs formulated by developers, enhancing its features and allowing it to execute various tasks. Discover ChatGPT Plugin integration.

OpenAI have granted Duforest AI early access to both the GPT-4 API and ChatGPT Plugins development environment.

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What You'll Learn

The ChatGPT API was released in March 2023. We at Duforest are priviliged to be on the early adopters programme.

On this course, you will witness the creation of a ChatGPT plugin, from ideation to implementation. This will include using ChatGPT for the ideation, sourcing APIs, building app functionality, creating the Manifest JSON file, and configuring the OpenAI YAML file, we will host the app on a public server, then configure ChatGPT to use it. We will use free and open-source apps to cover every aspect of the process, with a focus on Python and Node.js. 

Note: the syllabus for this course is under constant review in line with changes to the OpenAI API specification.

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Session 1 : Prompt Engineering

  • Elements to a Good Prompt
  • Zero-Shot vs Few-Shot
  • Output formatting
  • Thinking ‘Step-by-Step’
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Session 2: API Fundamentals

  • OpenAI API costs
  • Understanding Tokens
  • Keeping Your API a Secret
  • Temperature
  • Top P
  • Frequency
  • Presence
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Session 3 : Chat Bot creation - cloning ChatGPT

  • LangChain 101
  • Raw Text from Documents: PDF, Notion, etc
  • Chunks
  • Embeddings
  • Vectors: text to numbers
  • Vector Store
  • Pinecone, etc
  • Combining Question and Relevant Documents
  • PROJECT: Build a ChatBot to analyse PDFs
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Session 4 : PROJECT - website ChatBot

  • New Question & Chat History create Standalone Question
  • Standalone Question reference Relevant Documents
  • Question Answered
  • Iterative Questioning
  • PROJECT: Build a ChatBot and integrate with website
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Session 5 : Hosting

  • Waitress
  • Unique URL
  • Run
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Session 6 : ChatGPT Integration

  • Plugin Store Entry
  • Plugin Application Url
  • Install for Me
  • Test Prompt
  • Code Debug
  • Test, Test, Test
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ChatGPT Course Certificate

A personalised certificate will be presented to everyone successfully completing this ‘GPT4 Playground’ course.


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CPD Accredited

This ‘ChatGPT for HR’ training course is accredited for 7 CPD hours.


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Course Resources

    Prompt Library – 1000+ prompts

    Delegates will receive a comprehensive library of prompts in PDF or Notion format, covering a wide range of topics and administrative tasks. These prompts can be utilised as a valuable daily resource.

    Community Access

    Delegates will have the opportunity to join our exclusive Discord server and WhatsApp communities, enabling them to connect with others who have completed the ChatGPT Mastery course. These resources offers a platform for sharing experiences, discussing best practices, and seeking ongoing support from Duforest AI.


    Duforest AI - Consultants & Educators. ChatGPT.


    The Early Bird price is £1034. To qualify a place must be reserved a month in advance.

    The Standard price is £1379.

    Please email to reserve a place.


    Duforest AI delivers CPD Accredited Education

    Early-Bird Discount

    We offer a 25% Early Bird Discount for any booking made at least one month in advance of a presentation date.

    “If ChatGPT was the “iPhone moment” for AI, Plugins is the App Store moment”


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    “Plugins are a modest name for what could be the most powerful developer platform ever created.”

    Twitter, @David Sacks

    Icon of a Duforest AI lecturer speaking at a lectern to a diverse group of students

    Public Courses

    Presented to delegates from various companies at locations in Guernsey, Jersey, and central London, our courses typically run from 9am to 5pm with a maximum attendance of 12 delegates.

    Icon of a Duforest AI lecturer at a lectern, representing our private courses.

    Private Courses

    Presented exclusively for a company or team, at a venue and time of your choice. The syllabus can be tailored uniquely for the presentation. The number of delegates is negotiable.

    Ready to Reserve a Place?

    Get in touch…