Salesperson using ChatGPT for enhancing sales strategies.

ChatGPT for Sales


ChatGPT for Sales: AI Prompts for Leading in the Digital Age

Empower your SALES skills by diving into the realm of AI! “ChatGPT for SALES: AI Prompts for Leading in the Digital Age” isn’t your ordinary sales course. Instead, it’s your gateway to harnessing the power of prompt engineering, chatbots, and AI automation to streamline operations, amplify support, and optimise your workplace tasks. Tailored for SALES personnel, this course will offer transformative insights into integrating AI tools seamlessly into your daily workflows. Unlock the future of sales with us!

This course is a LIVE, instructor-led webinar that can be accessed globally with an internet connection.

Delegates will access a FREE Prompt Library consisting of 1000+ prompts, and gain CPD Accreditation worth 7 hours, culminating in a personalised certificate. For further mastery, an option to achieve the “Prompt Master” status via an end-course test is available. Additionally, delegates are invited to our exclusive Discord and WhatsApp communities for networking and support. Bookings are through Eventbrite, with Early Bird discounts and a full refund policy.

Salesperson using ChatGPT for enhancing sales strategies.
Salesperson using ChatGPT for enhancing sales strategies.
Salesperson using ChatGPT for enhancing sales strategies.

Course Overview:
The course delves deep into the applications of AI in the SALES sector. Beginning with the foundations of AI, participants will explore prompt engineering’s nuances and how to craft effective AI-driven prompts. The syllabus encompasses universal business applications, pre-sale strategies, post-sale relationship management, and a deep dive into CRM automation, chatbots, and futuristic AI sales techniques. This comprehensive training is designed with SALES personnel in mind, ensuring all learnings are directly applicable to your role.

Course Objectives:

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of AI & generative models.
  • Master the art and psychology of prompt engineering.
  • Employ AI to personalise and refine email communication.
  • Utilise AI for document creation, slide presentations, and social media strategies.
  • Implement AI-driven strategies for pre-sale, post-sale, and advanced sales techniques.
  • Enhance CRM management and digital outreach with AI.
  • Prepare for the evolving world of AI in sales and automation.


🌟 Session 1: Foundations of AI & Generative Models

📘 AI Overview:

  • Definition of AI & AGI
  • Large Language Models: Basics & Beyond

💼 Language & Tools:

  • Overview of ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, and Bing
  • Differentiating AI Tools: Playground vs. Chat
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

⚖️ AI Evolution & Ethics:

  • Ethical Considerations & Model Biases
  • Addressing Bias: Pros, Cons & Challenges
  • Historical Milestones: Rule-based to Deep Learning
  • Recognising Model Limitations & Their Practical Use Cases

🌟 Session 2: Prompt Engineering Foundation

🧠 Deep Dive & Psychology:

  • Crafting Effective Prompts & Their Psychology
  • Role-play Simulations & Crafting Proposals

👥 Customer Understanding:

  • Engaging with Users & Transfer Learning
  • Effective Prompt Crafting for Contextual Results

🔗 Elicitation & Chain-of-Thought Techniques:

  • Exploring Single & Multishot Prompts

🔍 Feedback, Safety & Evaluation:

  • AI Safety Measures & Moderation
  • Systematic AI Evaluation & Handling Ambiguities

🌟 Session 3: Prompt Engineering for Universal Business Applications

🚀 Introduction:

  • AI-aided Business Tools & Their Relevance
  • Establishing Corporate Style & Tone with AI

📧 AI in Email Communication:

  • Crafting & Personalising Email Content with AI

📄 Document Creation & Refinement:

  • AI-assisted Template Generation & Editing
  • Generating Summaries, Abstracts, and Data Visualisation

💡 Slide Presentation Enhancement & Social Media Strategy:

  • AI-Driven Design Suggestions & Audience Engagement
  • Tailoring Content & Automation with AI

⚖️ Best Practices & Ethics:

  • Authenticity, Privacy, and Trust in AI Outputs

Session 4: Pre-Sale & Prospect Engagement with ChatGPT

  • Email Mastery:
    • Drafting, Refining & Testing Sales Emails
  • Lead Generation & Qualification:
    • Prospecting & Understanding Client Needs
    • Highlighting Products & Features Effectively

Session 5: Advanced Sales Strategies using AI

  • Negotiation & Closing:
    • Personalising Sales Pitches & Role-playing with AI
  • Upselling & Cross-Selling:
    • Identifying Opportunities & Crafting Recommendations
  • Feedback & Market Analysis:
    • AI-crafted Surveys & Product Opportunities

Session 6: Post-Sale & Relationship Management

  • Onboarding & Retention:
    • AI-driven Tools, Guides & Prompts
  • Referral Mastery:
    • Constructing & Engaging AI-driven Referral Programs

Session 7: AI Tools for Enhanced Sales Operations

  • CRM & Data Management:
    • CRM Automation & Sales Meeting Summaries
  • Social Media & Digital Outreach:
    • Engaging Prospects & Exploring Automation in Outreach

Session 8: Beyond Traditional Sales: AI in Automation & Chatbots

  • Chatbots in Sales:
    • Basics, Evolution & Benefits of Sales Chatbots
  • Automation & Forecasting:
    • Sales Forecasting & Dynamic Pricing with AI

Session 9: Preparing for the Future: The AI Sales Horizon

      🌟 Footnotes:
      1. Given the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of Artificial Intelligence, this syllabus is subject to periodic revisions. While the syllabus might undergo modifications between its first publication and a course presentation, its core essence will remain steadfast. Our commitment is to ensure that the content always mirrors the latest advancements in AI and reflects the most contemporary generative AI tools available.

      2. This syllabus serves as a comprehensive overview of potential topics for the course and is not an exhaustive list of what will be covered during any specific presentation. Each course iteration is tailored uniquely based on the needs and requirements of the attending delegates. As such, certain topics may be omitted if they are not deemed relevant for a particular group. Rest assured, regardless of the topics covered, the primary objectives of the course will always be met.


      FREE Prompt Library
      Delegates will receive a comprehensive library of prompts in either PDF or Notion format, covering a wide array of topics and tasks. These prompts can be utilised as a valuable daily resource.

      CPD Accredited
      This course is accredited for 7 CPD hours.

      Course Certificate
      A personalised certificate will be presented to all who successfully complete this course.

      Prompt Master
      “Prompt Master” status can be attained by successfully passing an optional end-of-course test.

      Discord Server
      Delegates will have the opportunity to join our exclusive Discord server and WhatsApp communities. This allows them to connect with others who have completed a Duforest AI course. These resources provide a platform for sharing experiences, discussing best practices, and seeking ongoing support from Duforest AI.




      Please email

      24 October 2023
      21 November 2023
      05 December 2023

      £299 – Early Bird
      £349 – Standard

      This course is a LIVE, instructor-led webinar that can be accessed globally with an internet connection.

      TIMING – London time
      Registration from 08:45
      The course start promptly at 09:00 and ends at 17:00
      There will be a 15 minute break both morning and afternoon. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch.

      All bookings are handled by Eventbrite
      Early Bird prices apply up to 30 days before the course
      Full Refund up to 30 days before the course


      GPTs and AI-powered Chatbots Tailored for Every Need

      SPARK: A chatbot powered by artificial intelligence, specifically designed for WordPress sites. It delivers a mission crafted by Prompt Engineering and provides a ChatGPT style experience to the users.

      SPRINT: An advanced AI-powered assistant. It encompasses all features of Spark and, additionally, is ‘content aware’ of the text on your web pages. This enables Sprint to use this extra information to provide more detailed and nuanced answers. Moreover, it offers enhanced support for the GPT-4 Language Model.

      SPECTRA: A highly intelligent AI-powered assistant. It includes all the features of Sprint and additionally allows for the creation of an extensive custom knowledge base. The information from this knowledge base can be integrated with the ChatGPT style responses, making the answers even more comprehensive.

      SOVEREIGN: The zenith of AI Virtual Assistant technology, meticulously engineered to include one or multiple channels, in addition to WordPress. It also seamlessly integrates with various business applications, providing a comprehensive digital assistant experience that goes beyond just answering questions.

      Chatbot Champion

      Discuss Your Needs