HR professionals collaborating with AI systems.

ChatGPT for Business


ChatGPT for Business: AI Prompts for Leading in the Digital Age

For Business and Administration professionals eager to embrace the digital age, “ChatGPT for BUSINESS: AI Prompts for Leading in the Digital Age” is your golden ticket. It’s more than just another courseβ€”it’s an immersive experience in prompt engineering, enabling you to harness AI-driven virtual assistants to your advantage. Become a master at enhancing operations, amplifying support, and significantly boosting workplace efficiency. This course isn’t about business as usual; it’s about redefining what’s possible in the business realm. Dive in, and discover the tools to lead the future of general business Administration.

This course is a LIVE, instructor-led webinar that can be accessed globally with an internet connection.

Delegates will access a FREE Prompt Library consisting of 1000+ prompts, and gain CPD Accreditation worth 7 hours, culminating in a personalised certificate. For further mastery, an option to achieve the “Prompt Master” status via an end-course test is available. Additionally, delegates are invited to our exclusive Discord and WhatsApp communities for networking and support. Bookings are through Eventbrite, with Early Bird discounts and a 14-day full refund policy.

SiteSage Spectrum CS ST 03
SiteSage Spectrum
SiteSage Spectrum CS ST 04

Course Overview:
“ChatGPT for BUSINESS: AI Prompts for Leading in the Digital Age” introduces business and administration professionals to the world of prompt engineering. Attendees will embark on a comprehensive journey, starting from the foundations of AI and generative models to the advanced techniques of AI in administration. The syllabus is structured to provide practical insights on how AI can enhance communication, financial management, and even personal productivity, tailored specifically to the demands and challenges of business professionals and administrative staff.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the foundations and nuances of AI & generative models.
  • Acquire skills in prompt engineering tailored for universal business applications.
  • Learn how AI can impact everyday administrative tasks and enhance efficiency.
  • Utilise AI tools to optimise communication, collaboration, and organisational strategies.
  • Address unique administrative challenges with tailored AI solutions.
  • Equip oneself for an AI-driven future in general business and administration, including upskilling and strategic planning.
  • Navigate ethical considerations and well-being dimensions in an AI-powered environment.


🌟 Session 1: Foundations of AI & Generative Models:

πŸ“˜ AI Overview:

  • What is AI & AGI?
  • Large Language Models: Basics and Beyond

πŸ”§ Language & Tools:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
    • ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, and Bing Overview
    • Differentiating AI Tools
    • Playground vs. Chat

πŸ•°οΈ AI Evolution & Ethics:

  • Historical Milestones: From Rule-based to Deep Learning
    • Ethical Considerations in AI
    • Understanding Model Biases
    • Addressing Bias: Pros, Cons & Challenges

πŸš€ AI Limitations & Applications:

  • Recognising Model Limitations & Pitfalls
  • Practical Use Cases Across Sectors

🌟 Session 2: Prompt Engineering Foundation:

🧠 Deep Dive & Psychology:

  • Crafting Effective Prompts
  • The Psychology Behind Engaging Prompts

🎭 Role-play & Proposals:

  • Role-play Simulations: “Act as a…”
  • Crafting Proposals: “Propose a deal for…”

πŸ‘₯ Customer Understanding:

  • Engaging with Users: “From the Perspective of…”

πŸ”„ Transfer Learning & Context:

  • Chats and Transfer Learning
  • Effective Prompt Crafting for Contextual Results

πŸ’­ Elicitation & Chain-of-Thought:

  • Techniques: “Explain like…”, “Expand on…”, “Act as…”
  • Single & Multishot Prompts Exploration

πŸ” Feedback, Safety & Evaluation:

  • Iterative Design & Feedback Loop
    • Safety Measures with AI
    • Moderation & Harm Prevention
  • Systematic Evaluation of AI Responses

❓ Handling Ambiguities:

  • Clarifying Prompts
  • Avoiding Ambiguous Instructions Pitfalls

🌟 Session 3: Prompt Engineering for Universal Business Applications:

πŸ“Œ Introduction:

  • The Importance of AI-aided Business Tools
  • Relevance of Prompt Engineering Across Functions

πŸŽ™οΈ Establishing Corporate Style & Tone with AI:

  • Importance of Brand Consistency in AI Outputs
  • Crafting Prompts to Reflect Corporate Voice and Tone
  • Evaluating and Refining AI Responses for Brand Alignment

πŸ“§ AI in Email Communication:

  • Crafting Effective Email Subject Prompts
  • Personalising Email Content Using AI
  • Automation: Scheduling, Follow-ups, and Sorting with AI Assistance

πŸ“„ Document Creation & Refinement:

  • AI-assisted Template Generation
  • Editing & Proofreading with AI: Tailoring Tone and Style
  • Generating Summaries and Abstracts

πŸ“Š Spreadsheets & Data Analysis:

  • Data Entry & Automation Using AI
  • Predictive Analysis & Forecasting with AI-driven Prompts
  • Visual Representation: Charts, Graphs & Data Visualisation Aided by AI

πŸ“ˆ Slide Presentation Enhancement:

  • AI-Driven Design & Layout Suggestions
  • Content Refinement: From Bullet Points to Narratives
  • Audience Engagement: Crafting AI-aided Polls & Interactive Segments

πŸ“± Social Media Strategy & Engagement:

  • Tailoring Content for Different Platforms with AI
  • Engagement Analysis & Predictive Trends
  • Content Scheduling and Automation

πŸ’‘ AI-assisted Collaboration Tools:

  • Virtual Brainstorming & Idea Generation
  • Task Management & Prioritisation Aided by AI
  • Meeting Notes & Minutes: AI-driven Summaries and Action Points

πŸ”’ Best Practices & Ethics:

  • Keeping Authenticity in AI-Generated Communications
  • Respecting Privacy & Data Protection
  • Avoiding Over-reliance: When to Trust and When to Question AI Outputs

🌟 Session 4: AI’s Immediate Impact on Everyday Administrative Tasks:

πŸ—‚οΈ AI in Email & Calendar Management:

  • Automated Scheduling and Appointment Setting
  • Drafting Email Responses
  • Prioritisation & Filtering with AI Algorithms

πŸ“œ Document Mastery with AI:

  • Automating Template Creation
  • Generating Minutes from Recorded Meetings

πŸ’Ό Organisation & File Management:

  • File Management & Naming Conventions Aided by AI
  • Quick Data Retrieval Techniques with AI

🌟 Session 5: Enhancing Communication & Collaboration with ChatGPT:

πŸ“ Messaging with Precision:

  • Creating Clear Memos, Announcements, and Notices
  • Document Summarisation: Techniques to Summarise Large Volumes

🌐 Multi-language Capabilities in Administrative Communication:

  • Basic Translation Features and Cultural Considerations

🀝 Collaborative AI Tools for Team Efficiency:

  • Virtual Brainstorming & Idea Generation
  • Meeting Notes & Minutes: AI-driven Summaries and Action Points

🌟 Session 6: Advanced AI Tools for Administrative Efficiency:

πŸ“… Meetings & Event Management with AI:

  • AI in Meeting Coordination: Agenda, Reminders, Time Zones
  • Event Coordination: Predictive Analysis and Feedback Collection

🌍 Networking & External Communication with AI:

  • Crafting and Personalising Outreach Prompts
  • AI Insights on Network Engagement and Opportunities

🌟 Session 7: Resource & Financial Management Aided by AI:

✏️ Optimising Office Resources:

  • Predictive Ordering of Supplies Based on Trends
  • AI-driven Room Booking and Allocation

πŸ’· Financial Administrative Tasks with AI:

  • AI-driven Predictive Budgeting & Expense Analysis
  • Automated Invoice Generation and Tracking

🌟 Session 8: Addressing Unique Challenges in Administration with AI:

πŸ› οΈ Custom Solutions & Plugins:

  • Addressing Unique Administrative Challenges with AI
  • Exploration of Plugins and Extensions for Popular Admin Tools

❌ AI Limitations in Administration:

  • Recognising When Not to Use AI
  • Quality Assurance Strategies in AI-Driven Tasks

🌟 Session 9: Preparing for the Future: Upskilling & Strategy:

πŸŽ“ Upskilling for an AI-driven Future:

  • Courses and Workshops on AI for Admin
  • Encouraging Lifelong Learning and Adapting to Change

πŸ“Š AI Strategy for Administration:

  • Measuring ROI: Evaluating AI’s Impact on Efficiency
  • Developing a Roadmap for Future AI Adoption in the Organisation

🌟 Session 10: Ethical & Well-being Considerations in an AI-Powered Environment:

πŸ”’ Ethical Dimensions in Administration:

  • Data Privacy Concerns and Recognising Bias in AI Systems
  • Keeping Authenticity in AI-Generated Communications

πŸ’† Personal Productivity & Well-being with AI:

  • AI Recommendations for Task Prioritisation & Efficiency
  • Mental Health: AI-driven Stress Analysis and Well-being Prompts

    🌟 Footnotes:
    1. Given the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of Artificial Intelligence, this syllabus is subject to periodic revisions. While the syllabus might undergo modifications between its first publication and a course presentation, its core essence will remain steadfast. Our commitment is to ensure that the content always mirrors the latest advancements in AI and reflects the most contemporary generative AI tools available.

    2. This syllabus serves as a comprehensive overview of potential topics for the course and is not an exhaustive list of what will be covered during any specific presentation. Each course iteration is tailored uniquely based on the needs and requirements of the attending delegates. As such, certain topics may be omitted if they are not deemed relevant for a particular group. Rest assured, regardless of the topics covered, the primary objectives of the course will always be met.


    FREE Prompt Library
    Delegates will receive a comprehensive library of prompts in either PDF or Notion format, covering a wide array of topics and tasks. These prompts can be utilised as a valuable daily resource.

    CPD Accredited
    This course is accredited for 7 CPD hours.

    Course Certificate
    A personalised certificate will be presented to all who successfully complete this course.

    Prompt Master
    “Prompt Master” status can be attained by successfully passing an optional end-of-course test.

    Discord Server
    Delegates will have the opportunity to join our exclusive Discord server and WhatsApp communities. This allows them to connect with others who have completed a Duforest AI course. These resources provide a platform for sharing experiences, discussing best practices, and seeking ongoing support from Duforest AI.




    Please email

    17 October 2023
    23 November 2023

    Β£299 – Early Bird
    Β£349 – Standard

    All bookings are handled by Eventbrite
    Early Bird prices apply up to 30 days before the course
    Full Refund upto 14 days before the course


    GPTs and AI-powered Chatbots Tailored for Every Need

    SPARK: A chatbot powered by artificial intelligence, specifically designed for WordPress sites. It delivers a mission crafted by Prompt Engineering and provides a ChatGPT style experience to the users.

    SPRINT: An advanced AI-powered assistant. It encompasses all features of Spark and, additionally, is ‘content aware’ of the text on your web pages. This enables Sprint to use this extra information to provide more detailed and nuanced answers. Moreover, it offers enhanced support for the GPT-4 Language Model.

    SPECTRA: A highly intelligent AI-powered assistant. It includes all the features of Sprint and additionally allows for the creation of an extensive custom knowledge base. The information from this knowledge base can be integrated with the ChatGPT style responses, making the answers even more comprehensive.

    SOVEREIGN: The zenith of AI Virtual Assistant technology, meticulously engineered to include one or multiple channels, in addition to WordPress. It also seamlessly integrates with various business applications, providing a comprehensive digital assistant experience that goes beyond just answering questions.

    Chatbot Champion

    Discuss Your Needs